Homeowners Association

Dues Billings for the current year 2025 have been mailed and are due by April 30

Outdoor Pole Lights are Required by Middlesex Twp

Has your bulb burned out on your pole lamp? You may not be aware, but Middlesex Township requires all homes located in our development to have an operational, lighted pole light in the front of their house. Since we do not have a system of street lights, those pole lamps are the alternative to providing light to anyone walking around on our streets after dark.

So, if your lamp is not working, please replace it as soon as possible. Newer LED lights (if they are designed for outdoor use) should last for years. So shed some light on the situation - and help the dog walkers and others illuminate their paths - plus it adds to overall neighborhood security.

One final reminder - those pole lights must operate on a photocell and must be on from dusk-to-dawn. Our MHOA Building Restriction document specifies that "All homes must have a yard light on a pole equipped with a dusk-to-dawn photo-electric eye."

The MHOA Board is still looking for one additional member to help serve our community by serving a term on the Board. Respond with a note of interest (or ask questions about responsibilities) to our email address (see below).


The annual MHOA Membership meeting  took place on May 8, 2024. Minutes of this year’s meeting have been posted on the “Minutes” page.


The Middlesex Water Authority has sent notices along with their latest billing that they are beginning the process of changing water meters in the development to a new system that will automatically and constantly communicate with the Authority through a new antenna that is being installed on the mountain. This will provide two advantages. One will be to eliminate the drive-by collection of data from the box on the outside of your home that now connects to your meter. The second is that it will give the Authority the ability to give you a quicker notification of any unusual water use caused by leakage or other possible problems. If you’d like to volunteer to have your meter replaced, you can contact the Water Authority at: https://www.mtmapa.org/contact.


Serving 126 Families in the Meadows Development in Middlesex Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania

Our Purpose: To manage, maintain and care for the designated common grounds in the Meadows development and to monitor the covenants and building restrictions for the purpose of ensuring the residential character of the member properties and thereby “protect the owners . . . from such development as would depreciate the value of their properties.”

Considering purchasing a house in the neighborhood? We’d love to have you in the neighborhood.  Please review important information here on the development, dues, resale certificates, etc.

Questions? Concerns? Comments? email the Meadows Board at  ——>   meadowspahoa@gmail.com

You can address mail to us at Meadows Homeowners Association, P.O. Box 662, New Kingstown, PA 17072-0662